Loop Road Reopens

Loop Road Reopens on Kauai

Loop Road (officially the Wailua Forest Management Road) has reopened to the public, reports the Hawaii DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife. The road had been closed for repairs since April 2024. Regular repairs and maintenance will continue periodically.

The dirt road, located within the Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve on Kauai, starts at the Keahua Arboretum and continues for about four miles, ending at a small concrete dam. The area is subject to significant rain and runoff that continually impacts and damages the road. The latest repairs focused on two stream crossings that had suffered significant flood damage.

Loop Road features several attractions of note to both local residents and visitors to Kauai. Local residents enjoy hanging out at the stream crossings, as well as at the weir concrete dam at the end of the road. Several trailheads for difficult hikes can be found on the road, including the Secret Tunnels Hike that leads to irrigation tunnels inside a mountain, and the Blue Hole Hike that leads to the base of Mt. Waialeale near the center of the island. For tourists, Loop Road’s big draw is the filming location for the Jurassic Park Gate as seen in the original movie. Two tall concrete posts on either side of the road are often said to be remnants of the gates, however, the actual location is about 200 meters down the road past the posts.

If you’re planning to drive Loop Road, be sure to use a true 4WD vehicle such as those that can be rented at Drive Diff. Standard 4WD rentals from the airport, such as factory Jeeps, are generally insufficient for this road as they actually have road tires (not off-road tires). Plus, standard rentals cannot be driven off-road per rental agreements.

Drive Diff Loop Road
A Drive Diff Jeep Rubicon rental vehicle on Loop Road.