Kalepa Ridge Trail Fence

Predator-Proof Fence Installed at Kalepa Ridge Trail

A fence has been installed near the entrance to the Kalepa Ridge Trail on Kauai and a sign on the gate officially marks the trail as closed per law.

A predator-proof fence, with implications for the popular Kalepa Ridge Trail, has been installed on the rim of the Kalalau Valley below the Kalalau Lookout. A sign near the Kalepa Ridge Trail entrance states the fence is designed to keep out hooved animals like goats, pigs and deer which are not native to Hawaii. These animals eat native plants, spread weeds and dig up soil, increasing erosion, according to the sign. The fence extends as far as the eye can see to the east and west along the upper rim of the valley.

Kalepa Ridge Trail Closed

A small gate allows passage through the fence on the Kalepa Ridge Trail, however, another sign states “Area Closed – Do not go beyond the sign – Under HAR 13-146-4(a).” This rule concerns closed areas and violators can be issued a court summons. Violation of this rule is a petty misdemeanor punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. (We’ve heard first offenders receiving a fine of $500 for violating this rule.) Accordingly, the Kalepa Ridge Trail is officially closed by law.

Nevertheless, the fence nor the rule is stopping a steady stream of visitors to the trail. The trail starts just to the left of the Kalalau Lookout and hikers can be seen from the lookout entering and exiting the trail throughout the day. The fence and sign, however, are deterring many hikers. We estimate the fence and rule have led to at least a 50% drop in trail usage.

With spectacular views of the Kalalau Valley, the Kalepa Ridge Trail is one of the most beautiful on Kauai. But with steep precipices and muddy conditions, the trail is also one of the most inherently dangerous. And decreased use will only result in more dangerous conditions as the trail will become less-traveled and more overgrown, obscuring steep drop offs. Regrettably, due to these factors, our recommendation for visitors to Kauai is to skip this trail.

Kalepa Ridge Trail Fence
The fence and gate are located about 50 to 100 feet below and beyond the Kalalau Lookout on the Kalepa Ridge Trail.